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VIP Subscriber Care Packages

Hey VIP subscribers, just wanted to let you know that I've got your VIP care packages put together with some cool stuff from my...

G19Eleven Beta Drop

As promised, here is your early beta access to the G19Eleven FMDA DD19.2 Remix. This frame is designed to emulate the shape and feel of...

New Stuff In Development!

Hey guys, I wanted to give you a look at the things I'm developing for release here in August! First up will be the Space Cowboy body...

FNS 40L/9L Remixes File Drop

The "TMS 94" has publicly been released on CtrlPew/DetDisp/Etc, so I'm now able to release my Robocop inspired "Auto40L" and "Le Gros...

Ruger MK Series Pistol Brace Beta Release

Hey guys, please enjoy this file drop on the beta design for my Ruger MK series railed sleeve, brace mount, and stubby folding BooliBrace...

VIP Access Care Package

As part of your VIP Access subscription, I'll be sending you guys a monthly care package with some nice stuff in it. This month, I'm...

"Block" 26 PY2A Remix File Drop

Is this the worst Glock ever? It very well may be. Why is this gun? Who knows. This is built off of the PY2A frame arcitechture, so...

SpaceGat 22 Public Launch

At long last, the SpaceGat22 file drop is open to the public. Previously, this was released in beta through Deterrence Dispensed, and...

Proposed ATF Brace Rule Change

As expected due to the Executive Action ordered by President Biden, the ATF has recently published their proposed rule change on...

FNS-40 "Le Gros Chungus" Preview Video

This video was dropped for my Patreon subscribers yesterday, but here is the link here for you guys! The base FNS-40 file is almost done...

Hatfield Shotgun Cyberpunk Furniture File Drop

If you have a 12 gauge Hatfield SGL Shotgun, and want to make it look a little more retro-futuristic, I've designed a grip and handguard...

G17L PDW File Drop

Thank you for subscribing! Here you can find the file drop for the G17L PDW Frame Design. This design utilizes the FMDA DD17.2 frame...

Posts/File Drops: Blog2

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